Looking like shit.

7.15.2011 @ 3:44:00 PM | (0) comment/s

Eurgh i have all this shit on my mouth and its gross but yeah , yesterdays little recount :)
So got to Burwood at 9:30 and just hung around and got this foundation sample so yeahhh. Walked to Iz's  house and met her cousin who was so stonered.LOL. Mel came then some others came and we watched youtube videos until Kath arrived. Chose our tickets  for HP7.2and we got the best ones and i got like the absolute best ( back row , exact middle) and yeah. Left to Westfield and ate lunch. I got Maccas like a fatass.
Fillet O Fish meal + Harry Potter 3D glasses

I then popped out then lenses and luvoed and shizz ; 

And took some random photos ;

Spilt up and chilled around Burwood until the movie started and i still owe Iz $3.4 for boost.l0l
Also bought a moustache pen from Typo. 
But the movie was amazing.OMG. I dont think its hit me its the last movie but im definitinely  gonna save up for a boxed set of all the movies if they get one. And it was so gooooooooooood. YFTWDGBSHKDSJHG.
Went back to Iz's place and watched the movies , ate candy and talked to Brendan Ma and Jeff Jiang except it was all random and messed up and im pretty suprised they actually listened to us cos we were fighting over the keybooard.LOL. But it was a nice convo. Left at 10 and fell asleep at 2.

Yeah...short post but whatever :)