Today ft Sylvia Lieu and Jenny Gu

1.24.2011 @ 6:52:00 PM | (0) comment/s

Woke up today with a massive headache but then went downstairs and checked my texts and there were like 4 ; three from Jenny and one from Sylvia.Sylvia texted that she couldnt go and that Jenny was nearly there and that was like a HOUR before we were suposed to meet. Texted S back and found out her sister was taking her so i nagged my mom to drive me since i was so lazy. Met J at 10:20 and waited 40 minutes for S. When she came Pauleen (Sylvia's sister) asked us where we were gonna be and left with her boyfriend. We ran through the fountain , took luvos, hung out at the park then just caught up and talked about people at school etcetc. J was so blank.LOL.

Then S's sister came back , told us to eat and then said she'd meet us at Maccas. So we ate ; JENNY EATS SO LITTLE! Then Pauleen was like to us " Do you want to go to Bicenntennial  Park "so we did. We talked about people from STHS, STGGHS , SGHS , SBHS and just caught up. Got a drink then Pauleen (who is 19) was like LETS GO RHODES. So we drove there and spent two hours in IKEA mainly luvoing.

We bought hot dogs then Pauleen and Tony (her boyfriend) sent Jenny and I to Olympic Park so then i ran to my bus stop , caught a bus then went home.

@  the park